Priyanka Chopra - 12 Rules Of Becoming The Best Version Of Yourself Best Motivational Speech Ever


Priyanka Chopra - 12 Rules Of Becoming The Best Version Of Yourself Best Motivational Speech Ever

Priyanka Chopra's 12 Rules 

I present 12 rules of becoming the best version of yourself so here are a few of my favourites from my list. 
1. There Is Only One You.
2. Let Your Dreams Fly 
3. Be Ambitious 
4. Hungry And Greedy For Your Dreams
5. Don't Give Up On Your Dreams
6. Fail And Fail Then Rise Again
7 .Be Bold And Take Risk
8. Surround Yourself By Good People
9. -Don't take Yourself  Too Seriously (Laugh At Yourself And On Moments)
10.  Start Giving Be Kind And Loving
11. You Can't Please Everyone so stop.
12.Always Remember Where You Came From

Rule No. 1

There's only one you okay!  because there's no one like you I'm talking about the core of you who you are inside your values your beliefs your flaws and once you understand who really that person is you would have made taken the first step in finding your unique self and that is the best version of you most often we don't allow ourselves the ability to dream beyond our imagination. 

We don't allow ourselves to think about the future because we are afraid of change we are afraid to move away from what is familiar either that or sometimes you know we are too rigid to let our dreams evolve loosen up you know to shake it off a little bit change is the only constant thing in life and you are never too old or never too experienced to learn something new believe that you have everything. I know I wanted to become an aeronautical engineer what am I today I'm an actor I'm a singer I'm an author I'm a producer I'm an artist. 

Rule No. 2

Let your dreams fly give them wings be who you want to be just by being fearless now opportunities that's another important part of being fearless they're very funny thing are these opportunities they don't come very often they come far and few in between but when they do we recognize them our job is to recognize them and make the most of them. 

I look back on all the things that I've done and I marvel at the opportunities that came my way Miss India Miss World when I was in Berlin army school my first film opera my first music single the first film I actually produced there was never a plan ever more like the universe sort of guiding me towards these opportunities all I had to do was recognize them and make sure I work so hard that I squeezed every drop out of these opportunities this ladies and gentlemen is called Drive it's called ambition so no matter where you are in life. 

Rule No. 3

Rule number three is you have never arrived enough to explore new opportunities and there's nothing wrong with being ambitious ladies listen to me now for all of you guys who like everything in life I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to have the whole cake and eat it too nothing wrong. 

I want everything which is sub coochie and there is nothing wrong with that as long as you're not harming someone or doing something wrong don't be scared to want more for yourself than you ever thought you could I want to dream of everything and I'll have everything 

Rule No. 4

So rule number four be greedy for your ambitions to be hungry for it don't live on someone else's benchmarks who can tell you who you should be don't let anyone or any situation dictate to you who you are and who you can be I know it's very much easier said than done. 

I know that because I've done it but fight for your dreams because no one else is gonna fight for your dreams except you I have turned down so many roles opportunities because they did not fit into what I thought at that time was the right thing for me so today my path is just my own it belongs to no one my failures my successes all of it mine my journey all of it is mine. 

Rule No. 5

So rule number five do not compromise do not settle on your dreams now who likes to fail what and you like to fail well I'm not talking to you guys then I'm talking to those guys who hate to fail because I hate to fail it's really as simple as that it takes tubs and tubs of ice cream lots of tissues lots of Tears lots of drama Bazzi my mother, my best friends, my family and everybody making me feel better about it. 

But the one thing that is as certain as night and day ladies and gentlemen is that you will fail it's just how it is and there is nothing that you can do to stop that it's what you do after that will define where you go when something I've invested in my heart and my soul which I do with everything that I actually put my mind to if that fails I don't just wallow in self-pity I roll myself in it I roll around in it I wrap myself in it head-to-toe self-pity self-pity self-pity it's not a pretty sight. 

I can tell you that my mother who's sitting right here has witnessed it many times but then I get up cry a little dust myself off and dive straight back into life because the only way to push failure aside is to move ahead not ignore it analyze it and learn from it always remember you will never truly enjoy success until you have tasted failure and trust me when I tell you it tastes like really does. 

Rule No. 6

So rule number six fail! fail! fail again and then rise like a phoenix now what is life without a little bit of a risk right now I'm not an adrenaline junkie I'm not telling you to go off rollercoasters or anything I've always believed that you have to take risks calculated educated risks to evolve because if you've not truly explored the full extent of your possibilities you'll always remain stagnant people have written me off several times in my career sometimes they didn't agree with my choices when I played a negative character in my film atras very early in my career. 

I was told I'll be a vamp and no one will cast me as a heroine when I took on a female-centric film called fashion again very early on in my career I was told that was not normed when I signed u.s. TV show at the height of my film career in India each time the risks were huge the stakes were high and the repercussions could have been to say not the least career-ending thank God they weren't and I'm still standing in front of you okay. 

I really appreciate god I don't know what will happen going forward but as of now, I can say that my risks and the gamble was worth it you know why because I backed up those risks with my hundred per cent. 

Rule No. 7

So rule number seven be bold and take these risks now friends family the people you work with the people around us are our greatest influencers in your journey to success so you have to choose very wisely. 

Rule No. 8

Rule number eight surround yourself with the right people who do not stab you in the back now who's into social media who's on social media raise your hands yeah we like it I like it we can raise our hands all right it's almost everyone now keep your hands raised if you have ever been upset by like a bad comment that you may have read on a photograph or like on Facebook or when you've posted something and sometimes you know it's like why do people have to be mean yeah so there's a lot of you right guys please let me just tell you this no matter what you do someone will always be unhappy always especially in this age of social media it's so easy for us to be confused between the voices that actually matter and the opinions of faceless people.

Rule No. 9

So rule number nine you can never please everyone all the time and the biggest favour that you will all do to yourselves will be to laugh at yourself at situations find a moment to appreciate every single day this funny thing called life and that's my most important. 

Rule No. 10

Rule number 10 don't take yourself too seriously we're not making Rockets alright calm down have fun and just enjoy this beautiful journey that we've been put on. I do that in the meanwhile.hi my imaginary door rules but yeah it's really not that hard in my experience to be kind to become passionate to be human you will never know someone else's full story so don't be quick to judge my mother who's here tonight with the rest of my family that she taught me when I was very very young that there is always someone who will be less fortunate than you always so give back wherever you can there's a huge reason I started my foundation I lend my voice to UNICEF girl up and causes that I'm associated with because we have one world and it's ours and we need to heal it and that starts with us. 

Rule No. 11

So that is my rule number 11 give back and finally the most important one always remember where you came from it's truly what defines you so, I'm a proud Indian and Army ki beti daughter of two doctors with a middle-class upbringing and gianormous families who I love on both sides we've seen good times we've seen bad times we've seen hardships we've seen pain laughter sadness but that is what has made me who I am and I wear that with pride every day and everywhere that I go so last and definitely not the least. 

Rule No. 12

Rule number 12 don't ever forget your roots and where you came from I read this somewhere and kind of stuck with me and I hope it'll stick with you life's journey is not to arrive at your graveside safely in a well-preserved body but rather to skid inside waste shoe completely worn out and say holy that was a ride that is how I want to go.  

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